By Paul Ejime
Archbishop Michael Francis Crotty, the Papal Nuncio to Nigeria and ECOWAS, celebrated his first Mass at Our Lady Queen of Nigeria (OLQN) Pro-Cathedral, in the Abuja Archdiocese on Sunday 22nd December 2024, with 244 candidates receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The Irish diplomat-cum-prelate used the occasion to explain his dual role as representative of Pope Francis, head of more than one billion Catholics worldwide in Nigeria in a religious and diplomatic capacity. The Pope is also Head of State of the Holy See (The Vatican), a State within the State of Italy.
In his homily at the Mass, also attended by the Archbishop of Abuja Diocese, Most Rev Ignatius Kaigama and the Pro-Cathedral Administrator, Rev Father Nick Onyema, among other clerics, the Papal Nuncio noted that his responsibility in Nigeria was to maintain good relations and extend the message of Salvation to all Nigerians.
Dwelling on the theme of the day’s Gospel Luke 1:38-45, about Mary’s Visitation of her cousin Elizabeth, the wife of Zachariah and father of John the Baptist, he underscored Mary’s crucial role in Christianity and God’s plan of salvation, as the Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ and the mother of God.
“I am overjoyed to be with you, especially in this Season of Advent,” the Papal Nuncio said, as he linked Mary’s Visitation with the Annunciation, her encounter with Angel Gabriel who informed her about the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ and Mary’s own Immaculate Conception (being born without the original sin).
“The Visitation was not just the encounter of two women, but a miracle event,” he said, adding that Elizabeth was the first to “see and connect” with Mary as the mother of Jesus Christ the Saviour, while John the Baptist was the first to “feel” Mary by “leaping for joy” in Elizabeth’s womb on hearing Mary’s voice.
Angel Gabriel had foretold that Elizabeth, who had been derided as barren, was already three-month pregnant with John the Baptist.
All the revelations came to pass despite initial doubts by Zachariah, who was made dumb until the naming of his son John, the Baptist, and Mary, who eventually submitted to God’s plan, telling Angel Gabriel: “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”
The Papal Nuncio commended Mary’s obedience and prayed that as the “Queen of Nigeria,” she uses her grace and special position as mother of God and Queen of Heaven to protect and guide the country and its people aright.
Welcoming the Pope’s representative to the Mass at Pro-Cathedral, Archbishop Kaigama urged him to “feel at home among his brothers and sisters” of the Abuja Archdiocese where he resides.
The two Archbishops later administered the Confirmation oil to the 244 candidates, who, along with the congregation renewed their Baptismal vows.
Members of the Parish Council also presented the Papal Nuncio with a framed portrait of himself.
The Most Rev. Crotty assumed office in Nigeria last October, having served in a similar capacity with concurrent accreditation to Niger and Burkina Faso.
Nigeria has the second largest Catholic population in Africa after DR Congo.